Thigh Lift

Reshaping the Thighs

Usually, the result of weight loss, decrease in skin elasticity or excessive exposure to the sun, some women can find themselves with loose and saggy skin in the upper thigh area. Removing this excess skin results in firmer, more attractive upper legs with a more pleasing contour.

Prior to thigh lift surgery, many women complain of irritation caused by the excess skin rubbing together. Once the excess skin is removed, most report an increase in self-confidence and a willingness to wear clothing they once avoided.

For those complaining of excess skin on the outer thighs, the Lateral Thigh Lift treats this area by tightening the skin on the front and sides of the leg, helping to eradicate the dreaded “saddlebags”. Advanced techniques usually allow incisions to be placed in strategic locations where they can be hidden by most types of clothing and swimsuits. However, incisions may be extensive. The inner, or Medial Thigh Lift, addresses excessive skin on the inner thigh and helps prevent the upper thighs from touching, in addition to contouring the thighs in general. One technique used for a thigh lift places incisions in the groin, extending downward and wrapping around the back of the thigh. Another technique removes excess skin from the groin down to the knee using an incision along the inseam. You may also qualify for a minimal incision inner thigh lift that involves an incision only in the groin area. Dr. Roussalis will determine what’s appropriate.

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  • The smoother tighter contouring that results from a thigh lift is apparent almost immediately, although initially obscured by swelling and bruising. It may take several months for the final results to fully develop.
  • Following a thigh lift, skin quality is improved both in appearance and feel.
  • Some visible scars will remain, but the overall results are long lasting, provided that you maintain a stable weight and general fitness.
  • As your body ages, it is natural to lose some firmness. However, most of your initial improvement should remain.
  • Although good results are expected from your procedure, there is no guarantee. In some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be necessary.