What You Have to Know About Your Child’s Cleft Lip Repair

A cleft lip or palate is a congenital condition, which means that it occurs in children as a birth defect. If your child is in the same situation, don’t wallow in sadness. There is a surgery for the repair of this condition. A cleft lip or nose repair is the ideal surgery for your child.

baby with cleft lip dr sabini plastic surgeon cleft lip delaware

While the day of his or her appointment approaches, a little anxiety as a parent is fine. A lot of it is not good, though. Know what happens during the operation and let go of those fears so you can prepare for the surgery in the best possible way.

Before the Procedure

An initial consultation with Dr. Sabini is essential in order for him to evaluate your child. This is also the time where you will provide Dr. Sabini with your child’s medical history and any medications or vitamins that he or she is currently taking. The success of the procedure depends on a lot of things, including the initial consultation with the surgeon and your cooperation all throughout.

During the Surgery

A cleft lip repair can be done as early as the child’s sixth to twelfth week of life. During the procedure, your child will be put under general anesthesia to keep him or her away from any pain and discomfort throughout the surgery. A cleft lip repair involves the trimming of some tissues in the area and sewing them together. Dr. Sabini will make sure that incisions are made as small as possible and found in the normal contours of the nose and upper lip.

Meanwhile, a cleft palate repair is typically performed once the child reaches nine months to a year old since the palate is still developing during this time. The procedure will also involve putting your child in general anesthesia and covering the soft palate with some tissues from the mouth’s roof.

You do not have to be anxious about your child’s upcoming surgery. Your child is in good hands. Call us today at 302-998-8007 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sabini and learn more about cleft lip/nose repair in Newark, DE.


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