Desperate to Get Rid of That Double Chin? Try Our Kybella Treatment!

Few other areas of the body are more stubborn than the infamous fatty area under the chin known as a “double chin.” No matter how much you watch your portions or exercise, it always seems to be the last to go when trying to melt fat. Often attributed to a mix of genetics, weight gain, and the natural aging process, having submental fullness can seriously affect your confidence. At Premier Cosmetic Surgery, a plastic surgeon in Delaware, we offer a treatment that can help! Read on to discover how to get rid of double chin with our Kybella treatment.

What is the Kybella Treatment?

The Kybella treatment is the only non-invasive, FDA-approved injectable drug for improving a moderate to severe double chin. When Kybella is injected into the subcutaneous fat, it destroys fat cells or adipocytes. When destroyed, those fat cells can no longer create and accumulate fat that causes a double chin.

Why Kybella?

Unlike liposuction, the Kybella chin treatment is non-invasive. This means less downtime, less costly, fewer complications, and (as it is done right here in our office) less travel! Kybella may take up to two to six sessions for you, depending on your individual aesthetic goals, however, this allows the treatment to be easily customizable. Just let our plastic surgeon in Delaware know your preferred result and we’ll work to get you there!

What to Expect with Kybella

Like any treatment, you may experience some side effects. Kybella is no different. However, as we mentioned, any complications you may experience will be slight. Some of those may include some swelling, bruising, discomfort, numbness, and erythema. These temporary effects are well worth the result of a slimmer, younger, healthier-looking you!

Premier Cosmetic Surgery | Plastic Surgeon in Delaware

With spring in full swing and summer fast approaching, it’s getting harder and harder to hide that double chin under your trusty turtle neck! Whether you’re looking for ways how to get rid of a double chin or another procedure, let our plastic surgeon in Delaware help you to look and feel your best this season. Still unsure? Check out our photo gallery! We think the results speak for themselves. Contact us today to start your journey to your best self!