Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women behind Skin Cancer. This condition also falls second behind Lung Cancer in fatalities among women diagnosed with cancer. Roughly 1 in 8 women will develop Breast Cancer in their lives. This condition occurs when a genetic mutation of cells in the breasts reproduce uncontrollably. These mutated cells usually bond together forming a tumor. A wide variety of causes can lead to Breast Cancer. Age, weight, family history, genetic mutation, exposure to radiation, certain drugs, alcohol consumption, pregnancy after 30 or no pregnancies, and hormones can all impact the possibility of developing cancer. There is hope! The death rate in women diagnosed with Breast Cancer has been declining over the past few years. Better awareness, screenings, and treatments have all had a positive influence on beating cancer. To read more about Breast Cancer, visit

Our Promise To You

The loss of a breast or breasts is an extremely significant event and at John Roussalis M.D., we understand that fact. Our certified, professional staff takes special care to ensure that your confidence and quality of life are dramatically increased from the services we offer. Breast Cancer survivors often experience an open ended feeling after receiving a mastectomy. Breast Reconstruction Surgery can be a much needed source of closure and advancements in medical technology have made that possibility more realistic than ever.

Making your Decision

A Breast Reconstruction Surgery typically occurs shortly after a mastectomy. However, there is no time limit on making this significant decision. Many patients wait months and even years before they feel ready to make such a big change. Leading up to the procedure, Dr. Roussalis and his staff will guide you through your preparation. Dietary and alcohol restrictions may be imposed. Smoking must cease well in advance of the surgery. The patient may also need to stop taking certain vitamins and medications. Ideal candidates will be in good overall health and maintain realistic expectations for their results. For more tips on preparing for your Breast Reconstruction read this article by The American Cancer Society.

The Reconstruction Procedure

There are 2 basic methods for completing a Breast Reconstruction. The first technique uses tissue from your body and donates it to your breast or breasts. This tissue usually is taken from the abdominal region or the back. Patients usually remain at the hospital for a couple days following their procedure. The second approach uses either silicone or saline implants to mold the breast into its desired shape. This option has a shorter surgery and recovery time although the postoperative care is more intensive.

Dr. Roussalis

Dr. John Roussalis is an award-winning, board certified plastic surgeon. For more information on Dr. Roussalis, visit this webpage. Our professional staff is fully equipped to meet the needs of each of our patients. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide attentive and specific care to each of our patients. To learn more about our Breast reconstructions visit us here. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions or concerns you may have.